K-8th Computer Science Immersion

4 school logos


Website: http://bonnyview.reddingschools.net
Phone: 530-225-0030
Grades: K - 5


Website: http://juniper.reddingschools.net
Phone: 530-225-0045
Grades: K - 8


Website: http://manzanita.reddingschools.net
Phone: 530-225-0050
Grades: K - 5


Website: http://sequoia.reddingschools.net
Phone: 530-225-0020
Grades 6 - 8

Computer Science

Computer Science

The Redding School District believes that Computer Science is more than just offering devices to students and using websites that offer basic instruction on how to code. We believe that to truly become stewards of our future we must empower our students now to meet the challenges that they will face when they exit school and college.

Analysts are saying that there will be 200 million new jobs in Science and Technology by the time our Kindergartens graduate High School. Technology moves at a breakneck pace, and we believe its our duty to prepare our students to enter into adulthood with a well rounded understanding of not just how to use technology but how to create, critically think and capitalize on their foundation in Computer Science instruction.

In the 2017-18 School year the Redding School District embarked on a journey to bring true Computer Science Immersion to 3 of our Elementary Schools. This Program features training for both students and teachers with a dedicated technology coach, helping teachers implement the ideas of Computer Science into everyday curriculum. All of this building to the goal of students being able to confidently take the AP Principals Computer Science test and APA Computer Science test by 9th Grade!

3 cycles 

The Cycles

Computer Science curriculum is taught in 3 cycles. Each cycle is prefaced by a full 3 days of training for teachers to get familiar with the content as well as to strategize how they can include the Computer Science concepts in their daily teaching. Each cycle builds on itself culminating in a rounded understanding by the end of each grade year of the concepts of programming.

Students work on their projects in each cycle to prepare for the "Epic Build" which will showcase their progress through each cycle. Parents and Community members are invited to come and explore what their students worked hard to create during the cycle.

Ready to Enroll?

Head over to our registration page to get started with the Redding School District. We can’t wait to meet you and your family.

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